
Plan B supports the “realms” concept to configure different properties and backends for different use cases. Usernames (sub claim or uid Token Info response property) are only unique within one realm, i.e. Plan B allows to have two different users with the same username “jdoe” in two different realms (e.g. “jdoe” customer and “jdoe” employee).

By default, the following realms are defined:

Service users (applications) which are authenticated using the Cassandra storage. See the section on Service To Service Authentication.
Human users which are authenticated against an upstream (OAuth) service.
Special realm for “customers” which are authenticated against a specific, proprietary Customer Service web service.

Client credentials are always checked against Plan B’s Cassandra storage, but user authentication might be delegated to upstream services (done by default for realms “/employees” and “/customers”).

Different realms can be configured via the Provider’s Spring configuration files or environment variables:

$ cd planb-provider
$ ./mvnw verify
$ export REALM_NAMES=/myrealm,/otherrealm
$ java -jar target/planb-provider-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

The realm is always included in the JWT payload as the realm claim. Plan B’s Token Info will return the token’s realm in the “realm” property; this can be used for authorization rules in resource servers, e.g.:

  • allow all tokens with the “/employees” realm to read data
  • disallow any access for tokens with the “/customers” realm